Certified Household Staffing
"A Personal Assistant is a home based position who may accompany his/her employer to his/her office or travel with him/her on business affairs. This person like an Executive Assistant possesses business acumen and secretarial skills, but in addition performs wide ranging duties to assist the employer such as performing errands, chauffeuring, setting of appointments, sometimes cooking and too administering of household duties to other household staff."
Choose the link below which applies to you:
Clients, EMPLOYERS, & Hiring Authorities
I want a Personal Assistant with verifiable references to work in my household.
Potential Employers — Click here

IMPORTANT: Do NOT click here if you are looking for work. Please use the "EMPLOYEES" section to the right instead.

EMPLOYEES, Candidates
I am a Personal Assistant with verifiable references looking for work for a salary.
Employees Looking For Work — Click here